CE-Go's Latest: Self-Paced Course Updates
We’re excited to announce several new updates to Self-Paced Courses on CE-Go! These enhancements provide organizers with greater flexibility in managing courses, tracking participant progress, and improving communication with registrants.
Self-Paced Courses
- Organizers can now create collections of courses and sell them as a 'bundle'. Participants can purchase a bundle of courses at a set price, rather than the individual courses.
- The registrant download on courses now includes information regarding coupon used at registration and date a course was completed by a participant.
- Courses with a determined access period, after which a participant can no longer access the course, have been updated to display an 'expired' tag in member account if the course is beyond the access period. Additionally, members will see a countdown indicating the amount of time left to complete the course, within the course viewers.
- Organizers can now add special topic designations or CEs to self-paced courses.
- Organizers can now bulk select and email course registrants.
- Organizers can now create and sell course bundles at a set price.
Organizer can now filter attendees to show group registrants who have not completed their registration.
These updates are designed to enhance the Self-Paced Course experience for both organizers and participants. Stay tuned for more improvements!