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Jun 20, 2024

Product Release Notes June 2024


The latest updates for CE-Go are focused on improving the overall user experience by strategically adding features, like the Event Dashboard, that help users more easily navigate their records and activities.


In an assessment of user touch points, customer service and account management teams found gaps in user knowledge for completing essential event related tasks and navigating relevant features, leading to an increased number of inquiries from event organizers. This update addresses those concerns with an updated Event Dashboard, which helps users keep track of and navigate important event related tasks. Additional updates include a more intuitive reorganization of tabs and features and various smaller updates and bug fixes.

New Features:

Event Dashboard

The Event Dashboard displays important reminders about event related tasks, and helps users to navigate to the ares of the event set up where they can complete those tasks. Additionally, it collates data to provide insights on registrants, financial details, and landing page views.

Global Registration Caps

Previously users have been able to set limits to individual ticket types. Now users can create a global registration cap based on the overall number of tickets, regardless of ticket type.


Event Details

  • Reorganized tabs for easier access to features.
  • “Edit Event” modal moved to the Event Settings tab where it can more easily be accessed.
  • “Chat Settings” tab is retitled Discussion Settings.
  • “Video Code” field removed from CE Information tab in multi-session theme.

Session Details

  • Reorganized tabs for more intuitive use.
  • “Virtual Settings” tab is retitled Zoom Settings.
  • Updated text when switching to a Zoom Meeting with notice about potential additional fees.

Duplicating Events

  • Added option to include/exclude session materials when duplicating events.
  • Updated duplication functionality to pull in any customized approval language of the source event.
  • Updates to text on Duplicate Event Modal
  • Added functionality to create a new venue from the Duplicate Event Modal


  • “Event Quiz” moved from “Evaluation Questions” to “Event Details” menu to fix loss of access after the event ends.
  • “Event Quiz” hidden for single session theme.


  • Attendee Zoom Report updated to more accurately reflect native Zoom reports.
  • Zoom Integration has been sunset for organizers.

Elevate your next event

Reach out for a demo to discover how CE-Go can help manage your continuing education programs.
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